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With Love,


I too am not a bit tamed....I too am untranslatable
I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world
-Walt Whitman
From "Leaves of Grass"


I honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells.  I honor the place in you which is of love, of integrity, of understanding and of peace.  When you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me, we are One.


The future is an infinite succession of presents and to live now, as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself, a marvelous victory.
Howard Zinn


Monday, June 30, 2008


Holy Moley
I cannot begin to explain the extreme majesty and beauty of Switzerland. The area is a mixture of the jagged and daunting peaks of the Rockies and the lush and vibrant vegetation of the Redwoods with waterfalls everywhere you look. I was trying to catch my breath the whole time I was there. I stayed in a hostel in Isteltwald which is a small village of about 300 people across a crystal clear turquoise lake from Interlaken, the adventure sport capital of the country. I was literally in complete awe of my surroundings and couldn't wipe the contented smile off my face the whole time I was there. It was so nice to surrounded by such pure and rooting energy. I did as little sleeping and as much exploring as possible. And I didn't see one pigeon while I was there which is about 1000 less than I had seen every two days over the past month...flying rats. The view from the Hostel's deck:

I took an overnight train from Barcelona to Bern and explored there for a couple hours before catching another train to Interlaken. From there I took a ferry across the lake to Isteltwald. I caught a ride from one of the girls working at the Hostel up into the mountains and spent my afternoon hiking through caves carved out by huge amazing waterfalls. 20,000 liters per second careen through the mountain creating a loud and impressive display of the might of nature. It was easily the coolest 'museum' I have seen yet.

I woke up early the next day and took a 6 hour hike along the lake and then up the huge mountains along another series of breathtaking waterfalls. I soaked in the sounds, sights and smells, logged some really good walking meditation time and took a baptismal swim in the glacier water. I also built my first kearn.

After the hike I did the craziest and most thrilling thing of my life: the third largest bungee jump in the entire world. Jumping out of a gondola 150 meters above a pristine lake was easily the biggest rush I have ever experienced. I came within less than ten feet from the water while hollering like an ape. After bouncing up and down for a couple minutes they lowered me down into a boat on the water at which point it was time to kick a few beers back. I met some awesome british guys who were partaking in the jump as part of their friends bachelor party weekend and we guzzled some incredible creamy and delicious Swiss wheat beers from the viewing deck while watching the rest of the people fully donate their organisms to the force of gravity. It was beyond an incredible day.

That night I stayed up until the sun made its presence felt behind the mountain with two girls who work at the hostel. I got to play DJ at the bar for the night going through all sorts of music on my iPod. I was offered a job at the hostel and it took everything in me to turn it down and continue my shred across the globe. After two hours of sleep I got on a train for 13 hours to Prague. It was a bit of a rough day but I probably deserved it after the insane amount of smiling I did leading up to it.

I took a bunch of pictures along the amazing hikes, check them out on photobucket. We gotta go back there sometime soon, too good. Rage Biscuits. Love Love.


Tallbridge said...


This just made my day man. It sounds like you are having a blast.

I'm gonna get my blog going again.

Chris's camera got lost, so I don't have some pics from Bloom and Arizona, but I'll try and find something.

Keep on bro

you can't trust your eyes if your imagination is out of focus - mark twain

tlt said...


perpetuallyphil said...

shave your face kid... gross.

awesome pics bro