I am overwhelming ecstatic to report that I have been accepted to participate in the work of unification physicist Nassim Haramein by moving to Hawaii to work as an intern in the program. Here is a very brief encapsulation of the foundation and the internship. I will be moving there shortly after soaking in the synchronicity-rich landscape of Black Rock City, NV within a couple weeks of the conclusion of my circumnavigation of the planet Earth. The foundation's website is linked to the left and on the title of this post. I encourage all who are not familiar to dive in.
A unification of all sciences, philosophies, and religions emerging from a complete and applied view of the fundamental wheelworks of nature, its ensuing forces and consciousness.
* To share the knowledge and implications of the Unification Theory.
* To create a headquarters center where the foundation principles of the Unification Theory are explored for the advancement of humankind.
* To further explore, by means of archaeological and anthropological studies, the history of ancient civilizations, their philosophies and their understanding of Unification.
Welcome to the Resonance Project Foundation community! We are guided by our sense of interconnectivity of all things and the spirit of Unification. We are driven by our appreciation, respect and affirmation for all life.
We appreciate your interest in the Resonance Project Foundation, and we look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship at this critical developmental phase of the project. This comprehensive program is a training program on the topics of the Unification Theory, sustainability, and land/community systems. We enjoy working, learning, and living in abundance!
Program Overview
RPF is currently offering a 3-month internship program. It is critical that all interns be able to commit to a 3 month stay since all our projects are according to this timeline. We encourage exploration of the island; however, we do expect interns to be present and ready for work Monday through Friday. As well, we expect all interns to be able to subsist financially during their 3-month stay.
Topics of interest for the internship are as follows:
* Permaculture Farming
* Food Production/Gardening
* Organic Kitchen
* Land Systems Maintenance
* Sustainable Systems
* Alternative Energy Resources
A required reading list will be provided upon acceptance into the program and is expected to be completed prior to arrival. Additional reading material to support the internship topics is expected to be completed as well. As well, interns are expected to keep a daily personal journal as a part of their curriculum.
Facilities Overview
The RPF property is comprised of a 5-acre property consisting of cultivated gardens and uncultivated raw land. There are projects currently in progress for tree restoration, alternative energy resources, and permacultured gardens. There are housing units for full-time staff, a community center, an events dome, le barn, community bathhouse, and a Main Administrative Office.
Work-Trade Requirements
Thirty (30) to forty (40) hours per week is required as an exchange for your room, board, and educational workshops. Prepared lunch is provided Monday through Friday, and prepared dinner is provided Monday through Thursday. Interns are responsible for the preparation of their own meals for breakfast, Friday dinner, and weekend meals. Housing consists of a campsite, which includes a covered tent, communal kitchen/lounge area, shower, and toilet. There is minimal transportation on/off the property available.
A mutually agreeable description of the tasks to be performed will be delineated according to background experience and areas of interest. Details will be reviewed on arrival. There is a weekly time sheet that all interns must provide at the end of each week detailing tasks accomplished. Interns can offer their feedback according to their experience at the conclusion of their internship.
Community Expectations
All interns are expected to participate in regular community-living tasks. This includes general clean-up, meal clean up, recycling, and maintaining a clean living environment (communal and intern site). Hygiene is a high priority on our property, and interns must live and work according to the sanitation rules instilled on the property.
Community Events
There are workshops, classes, and events regularly held throughout the week. Currently, we are holding classes in yoga, meditation, healing modalities, dance, and monthly educational workshops led by our Director. We encourage learning on a personal and a communal level, so your attendance to these events is requested.
Sweet.......They are lucky to have you!
jason that sounds amazing and absolutely perfect for you!
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