I took an overnight train to the southern part of Spain and stayed for two days and one night in incredible Granada. It was quite the amazing city and I was sad to leave. Parts of it are trendy and modern, not unlike Pearl Street, parts are made up of old tiny winding streets with awesome markets and unique stores, and parts are reminiscent of the 14th century when the arabs had control of the region. It is full of dreadies, artists and musicians and has a very nice laid back vibe. All the bars bring you free tapas when you order a drink. Very cheap. I spent one day hiking up all the way into the desolate mountains overlooking the city in 100 degree dry heat. The hills are lined with caves where gypsies and hippies have lived for generations. Perched on top of one hills overlooking the city is the La Alhambra which is an old intricate and breathtaking compound of palaces, military grounds and lush gardens. It was amazing to walk through. The water system of the whole place was elaborate and very asthetically pleasing. Tiny canals wove through the different areas stopping in fountains and pools while moving along their route. The banisters along stairways even had water trickling down them where they funneled into beautiful fountains on the landings between flights. Pretty cool. I got to see a lot of the town but definitely could envision myself staying there for an extended period of time. Delicious falafales for 2 Euro, can't go wrong.
I am catching a night train to Interlaken Switzerland where I will relax in the Alps in a hostel on a huge lake for three days. Then Prague>Berlin>Delhi.
I hope the Bloom was a delight and all the Amazonian ragers have a synchronistic, eye-opening, and universal information downloading experience. Much love.

bump for praha
in praha, if you want, you should check out the golden sickle hostel. it has the crazy underground tunnels bar that phil and i told you about. also, i really hope phil gave you Jan's information. if you get to meet him, that would be truly awesome. he is the man.
be careful not to step on any hedgehogs
their is so much to do in prague. just walk around (like you have been doing everywhere) and you will find some awesome stuff. take a break from being a veggie and eat goulash it is absolutely amazing imo
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