The universe is made up of a feedback between information-containing energy and consciousness. The energy coalesces into visible matter due to our awareness of it and does so on an infinite fractal scale dependent on a fundamental pattern of the division of space. The ever-present and permeating universal information that pulsates through us in every moment is filtered and made tangible and available by our senses. Our senses are the direct antecedent of the mysterious entity known as consciousness, which also acts in a fractal nature. Along my travels I have been focusing on noticing different levels of my awareness and coming into touch with my thought stream and its impact on my direct experience of the world.
As I understand my experiences there exists what I will call a primary level of being. It consists of the direct experience of the universal vibration surrounding us and entails complete receptivity outside of thought. This state is most organically accessed through meditation, through the stripping of all thoughts and the surrendering to the eternal moment and the infinite energy contained within one's organism. This primary and organic level of being forms the foundation for a cascading waterfall of possible states of awareness.
Beyond the world of energy and information, there exists a secondary level which is made up of the thoughts that course through the mind. These thoughts are very much the result of years of conditioning and life experience. They are the highly present and easily overlooked mental chatter that determine to an enormous degree the nature of our reality, the way we frame the information containing energy around us. They are the librettos which we constantly write attempting to make sense of our experiences.
On the next level, there are interpretations of the thoughts that arise out of our experiences. Being present in our body and mind enables us to take a birds eye view of our thought stream, of the very entity that is determining our reality. These interpretations are no less real than the secondary level of thought as they lead to new ideas, new insights and a renewed and intimate relationship with our own mind. We can be mindful of our own thoughts, which is to say understand where they arose from, what stemmed their arising and what significance their origins hold.
Moving to another level of awareness, we can write these thoughts down or subject them to further pondering. This further filtering of cognition and experience hones and focuses the thought stream to a new level and provides a fresh way to gain insight on ourselves and our surroundings. Writing things down is an amazing tool to come into an intimate understanding of our disposition and thought stream. From this level, the fractal begins to become evident. The new insights can again be put through the same cascade of awareness to the point where we are writing about writing about thinking about thinking....etc. Every moment, every event and every thought can be mulled over and made sense of within the framework of existence. This meta-cognition is highly expandable and extremely useful for getting in touch with our subconscious.
The focus of meditation is to gain insight on the nature of existence, to come into union with the primary information energy passing through us and to learn how to use it to our advantage. It teaches us how to be completely present in each moment of our lives. The act of sitting in silence and paying attention only to breath gives rise to an intimate experience of the primary level of being. The breath is the only bodily function that is both conscious and subconscious, therefore mindfully existing with it provides a gateway to the 'I' within us, the eternal 'I' which we all share. For most of us though, silencing the mind which has been influenced by years of bombarding advertisements, busy lives and constant stimulus is very hard. But through practice we can learn to take the stairwell to the higher self which allows us to watch the chatter and dismiss it along with each passing breath.
The practice of letting go and being one with the permeating energy effectively allows us to take a seat in the base of our soul. When we are truly in touch with ourselves and recognize the universal presence within each atom of our body there is no indecisiveness and no confusion. We are able to understand the cosmic significance behind each event we experience. The difficult and the easy, the good and the bad become visible as two sides of the same coin of existence. When we can glide through each and every situation with the grace of flowing water we can find complete and utter contentment. We find ourselves in union with all that is and all that will be. In order for us to accomplish this, we must rise above the mindless chatter and focus on the primary meditation on the present moment, the present breath. We must also exercise the meta level of expansive questioning and insight to develop our ability to come into the infinite nature of our cognition and its promise in creating a new possibility of consciousness evolution.
Currently, as affluent homo sapiens existing in 21st century life, we have overcome our need to exist on a fight or flight basis. The practice of yoga is another instrumental tool in the quest to understand our condition and exist in the present moment. It also provides an amazing and refreshing way to begin to conquer this fight or flight response system that is so engrained within our species. The literal translation of the word yoga is union. Its goals and practices are much the same as sitting meditation, the only difference being the movement of the body and its energy. Overcoming the physical and mental yearning to escape the strenuousness of the asanas is the most effective practice for watching our fight or flight response disappear.
This article discusses the ability our intention holds in overcoming some of the physical limitations of life. We have evolved to a point where we are aware of our awareness and can use it as a tool much like our ancestors used modified pieces of nature to descend from the trees and become the sentient beings we are today. The highly subjective nature of reality as proved by modern physics enables us to use our intention and awareness to shape reality. Our own mental facilities become the next tool to be harnessed in the evolution of our species. Instead of developing new physical ways to adapt to our environment, we can mindfully adapt our culture and our cognition to better our relation to each other and to the universe. We do away with the multi-generational prescriptions of growth and are able to take quantum leaps in evolutionary change. We can literally adapt our genes through mindful action. We solidify the paradigm of mind over matter and realize the true nature of the interaction between nature and nurture. This direct puppeteering of our evolutionary growth is beyond exciting and paves the way for an new existence when, as Saul Williams foresees. 'sayings like out of the blue will reveal their hidden origin.' When there is no need for a continuing physical adaptation to environment we are able to focus our energy on the evolution of our consciousness. Unexplainable situations, events that transpire outside of our capacity to explain, and beauty that exists independent of our current reason become the framework of life.
The endless and disorganized thoughts of the unexamined secondary level of being beg to keep us slaves to our conditioning, to the past and to the shortfalls we see in ourselves. Some believe that the choices and decisions that we make along the journey of life are completely tied to and determined by previous experience and conditioning. These deterministic rubrics of existence leave no room for free will in our choices. However, if we can use meditation, yoga practices and insight to center ourselves, understand our past experience and come into touch with the infinite than we can make decisions based upon what we want to make of the world instead what the world wants to make of us. When we shed the chatter we understand the effect of the conditioning and we do away with the predestined story of our lives that is seemingly outside of our control.
As everyone has experienced, story has an incredible ability to transport its audience into a knowing and understanding role in the discernment of the significance of its events. Clear cognizance is engendered by a captivating book or movie, cognizance about why each event in the story took place and what significance each had on the whole. It sheds divine light on situations and interactions so that the audience gains a heightened state of observation and a greater ability to distinguish the gravity and importance of events. Essentially the viewer/reader is taken directly into the role of the observant godhead.
In our own day to day lives we are constantly writing the narratives of our existence. Reality and language are undeniably entangled and often times people walk around unaware of the nature of their inner language while allowing their apparent shortcomings, disappointments and fears to take the authoring role in their realities. When we can come into union with ourselves and our environment through the yoga of being present and mindful in the here and now, we are empowered and our intuition becomes extremely focused. Every uncomfortable thought or situation that we experience and are mindfully able to confront, accept and discern meaning from allows us to further sort through the garbles of our minds which only serve to keep us confused and ignorant. Our secondary level of cognition starts to become more and more based upon a deep and holistic comprehension of ourselves and our world. Experiences manifest synchronictically and stem directly from intention. Signals and signs make themselves evident. We gain a prescient view from the higher self and are essentially able to become the authors of our own lives. We cease to exist in the past and the present and begin to shape the eternal moment into an artwork of our choosing. We are able to execute actions based upon our own free will and in resonance with a great understanding of the nature or our self and the relationship to each other and the entire biosphere. In every moment and in every decision and every passing thought we know that, without fail, all we do has cosmic significance in the drama of the universe and the collective consciousness that is constantly shaping it. Instead of eternally trying to grasp the fleeting mystery of life we become one with it and flow through it like water flows down a river. We dance, we sing and we smile like the Buddha, all the while enjoying each trickle of time down the cascade of life.
These thoughts have stemmed from my attempt to understand many pieces of esoteric knowledge, both ancient and contemporary over the last few years. Nassim Haramein, Daniel Pinchbeck, Tom Robbins, the I Ching, the Buddha's teachings and heaps of other people, thoughts and information that I have deeply resonated with have brought me towards a deeper understanding of my life. I just want to stress that the ideas I expressed here do not belong to me nor do they belong to anyone. All we can do is attempt to personally integrate the insights that others have gained through their worldly and outer-worldly experiences and use them as tools to better understand ourselves and our human condition. By writing my thoughts down and integrating them into my experience of the world, I am able to gain a deeper understanding of myself. But, as the I Ching teaches, a spiritual understanding that is not practiced under fire is without use. It is in the mindful movement throughout ALL of life's situations that we can further our understanding of ideas provided by other's experiences. Everything appears to be easier said than done but the act of making clear intentions is the first, and most important step in making the world a better place. There isn't an end all solution to all of our world's problems, only a multitude of paths that must be taken tenaciously, treated with great care and treaded based upon personal resonance and mindful choosing. Let's tread on together while recognizing the oneness and divinity of all things!
i've said it once but i will say it again- you're a great writer jason, as well as a great thinker. the libretto sentence was my favorite.
you seem to have tuned the "ohmage-OM-age" of your data receptor to a level in which your thoughts seem to stream from the infinant. thanks for sharing and being vessel of information to translate our world to us... unique insights aboud. cheers.
Wonderfully explicated Jason...you actually helped me see what Nassim is saying a little bit clearer, and i thank you for that. i think its interesting how we're all out and about right now, yet i feel as if all of our heads are wrapped around similar thoughts...people everywhere it seems to me, are thinking about awareness, oneness, infinities....illustrating such ideas can be so difficult however, and this, jason, i thought was really well done, and dealt with primary sources of yours, like yoga and meditation
deepening the relationship with subconcious is something i have been thinking about...the idea of becoming one with that flow...this dream of reality i guess one could say
is god having a dream? i just heard terence mckenna say something about the civilization of Ur...if enough time passes, and an entire civilization fades away, was it not in a way, a virtual reality?
but becoming harmonious, accepting the nature of this dream, is a great leap from our general way of thinking, and yet i think very beneficial, at least for me, in understanding more and more about each action, its reaction, and the ripples that usually take place
i climbed a mountain in upstate new york that had a fire tower from the 1920's erected on top for looking...we climbed the tower and inside people had written their names, and what year that had been there and for the first time i thought, isn't it strange how we do things? previous cultures painted and drew symbols representing things sacred, or matters of every day life, but regardless tried to illustrate something about the world...their consciousness it seemed was not as seperated from the external world as ours, and i say this only because we write our own names....perhaps we feel external to the rest of the world, which is why an idea like your consciousness being directly tied to your reality at hand, may at first seem like a strange thought
and yet the tool song 46 and 2 comes to mind....perhaps diving well deep into the realization of ones entity, personality, mind, etc...is a very necessary process for understanding the next step...
ive been feelin that while the realities of life may impinge on such a quest, more or less it is a dream
all the time half of us are asleep while the other half are awake
yin yang
double torus
one shot
i love you all...jason very well done, see you soon
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